CS602 Fall 2011 Final Term 13 Feb 2012

40 mcqs and 14 questionlong question are:
  1. What is gamut? 2 marks
  2. Define and explain refraction of light? 2 marks
  3. What are tradeoff between the display speed and quality of image when subdividing in case  of polygon and surface? 2marks
  4. What two aspects of timing in an animation? 2 marks
  5. Differentiate between reflection and shear in context of 3d transformation? 3 marks
  6. give traditional light calculation equation? 3 marks
  7. Differentiate between the function using gl and glu prefixes of glut library? 3marks
  8. Write down simplified third degree of bezier curve? 3marks
  9. Write down three routines for modeling transformation? 3 marks
  10. Write pseudo code or a function in C++, which will take tx and ty as parameter and translate points x1,y1 and x2, y2? 3 marks
  11. What do you understand by the term “emission”? 5 marks
  12. Write down the uses of glut library? 5 marks
  13. Explain oren nayer diffuse reaction?
  14. How it is different from limbertian diffuse shading? 5marks

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