CS504 Mid term Paper Solved 2011

CS504 - Software Engineering-


 Here're some of questions of my today's paper.
Q 1
Cohesion is about making sure each component does _____ thing and does it well.
► three
► two
► infinite
Q 2
Collaboration diagrams have basically two types of components: objects and ----------.
► messages 
► methods
► classes
► non of the above
Q 3
What would be the most suitable architecture to develop a commercial web page to do business transactions over the internet?
► Client server model
► RAD model
► Repository model

Q 4
Flow charts represent.
► Sequence. (Page 50)
► Random
► Parallel
► Non of above
Q 5
----- gives OO the ability to handle essential.► Decentralization
► Centralization
► Decentralization and Centralization
► Non of above
Q 6
what is the most important software quality of a web based transaction.
► efficiency
► Modularity
► usability 
► Security

Short Questions:
A student claims that his bag is the “container”. Justify it with solid reason.
A company assemble fans. It takes wires, coils, magnets etc. and then assemble them. What technique should you use for this system. You can use any methodology.
A customer puts the items in carrot, go to counter, pay cash to cashier and go out. In this case which is the “Participant”
Write 2-notations for Diagram (I don’t remember what type of Diagram)
What should be the technique to assign attributes for objects. (5)

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