CS615 Finalterm Subjective Questions 2011

 CS615 Finalterm Subjective Questions

1) Describe the Overestimated savings from reusable components and new toolstechnology-related problems in a software project?
2) Describe the Switching tools in mid way technology-related problems in a software project?
3) What is WBS document containing?
4) What risk can be occurring during in project development?
5) If you are project manger in HRM company they what method you adopt to use the WBS?
6) What is the guideline of SQA for the different project?
7) What is Work automation system in the software project management?
8) Suppose there are the Human recourse department needs to schedule the network, how you can schedule it and what types of method you adopt for the network scheduling?
9) define the Delphi technique is an estimation technique and which types of group discussions can be used in it?
10) What is task Unit Testing?
11) Define SQA?
12) Define the project planning task?

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