MGT502 GDB Solution Oct 2012

Q. How is a course in organizational behavior going to make him a better manager?

If you have an understanding of how people and organizations work it will help you as an
manager. A good example of this is that every time a new member joins a company or
team the social structure of the group has to change because there is a new person added
to the structure. By understanding this as a manager you can help the new person adjust
and help the people around them to adjust to the social change in the group overall
structure. This will help you do your job better.
If you are managing a department store for instance. You want to have a great
relationship with all of your employees and encourage them day in and day out. You
want to have meetings and benefits so that your employees build strong relationships
with each other in the work area. Most importantly of all, you want to build trust between
you and your employees
In any organization one can assume that the main goal of that business is to succeed;
what exactly does being a winning organization mean and what does it take to get there?
In the past companies placed a great amount of emphasis on the numbers and how to
achieve those numbers. The people who actually helped achieve those numbers were
graded on their technical skills, productivity, and budgets. Employees were
moneymaking machines and how they achieved those numbers was not a concern of their
managers as long as the numbers were being met. Organizational behavior studies have
become more important today than in previous years because corporations must learn to
adapt to the rapidly changing business cultures that have stemmed from a competitive
and fast-paced market. Organizational behavior was a topic that was not discussed until
an employee's behavior changed, productivity changed, or sales decreased. In today's
business world, managers are paying more attention to how employees react to situations
rather than if they respond.

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